Sustainability Inventory for McCarran International Airport

GRN Vision was contracted by CCDOA to develop a sustainability inventory for McCarran International Airport.


GRN Vision interviewed several divisions and stakeholders to evaluate best practices as well as opportunities for the future.

During the process, GRN Vision was able to determine water consumption per passenger as well as to establish a diversion rate for recycling. The final report found several sustainability wins within McCarran and CCDOA.

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Sound environmental principles drive many operations at our five airports and rental car facility. Efforts to “green” operations include installing more efficient parking garage and airfield lighting, swapping out turf for drought-tolerant xeriscaping, installation of stations that allow passengers to refill reusable water bottles, and the use of a non-toxic, multi-purpose cleaning product and paper goods that reduce the packaging, waste and shipping costs associated with traditional products. Our employees continue to generate and implement best practices that help the airport become more sustainable and to work with airport partners to spread the message and solicit ideas to improve upon facility operations.”

– McCarran International Airport Sustainability Web Page

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