LEED/Green Globes Third-Party Green Building Certifications

Nevada Governor’s Office of Energy Tax Abatement

The state of Nevada has one of the best green building incentive programs in the country. This permanent program (NRS 701A) is administered through the Nevada State Governor’s Office of Energy (GOE) and offers up to a 35% net state property tax abatement.

By certifying a commercial building through LEED or Green Globes, the GOE qualifies these projects for the tax abatement with an emphasis on energy performance optimization.

Depending on the level of Green Building certification and the energy saved annually, the property tax abatement will range from 25- 35% over a span of 5-10 years.

More information here




Green Building Certification

GRN Vision certifies buildings through Green Globes, LEED and other third-party certification programs. The benefits to the building owner are lower operating costs and happier, more productive workers and tenants.

LEED and Green Globes New Construction

LEED and Green Globes are third-party certifications that bring awareness to the design and construction of buildings with the health of humans and the environment in mind. The process of certifying a building works best when all project team members are involved from the beginning, this is known as the integrative design process. GRN Vision is involved from the design conception all the way through building occupancy.

LEED and Green Globes Existing Building Retrofits

With 12 months of energy and water data, existing building can also be certified as well. Through the process of information gathering, GRN Vision collaborates with facilities and management to implement best practices.